National Women’s Equality Day

August 26th is National Women’s Equality Day! Women’s health and equality are closely linked. Learn more about how gender affects health and what you can do to improve your health and well-being. Links: and...

National Health Center Week

August 8th to 14th is National Health Center Week! Community health centers play a critical role in providing affordable, high-quality healthcare to millions of Americans. Learn more about how community health centers work and how they can help you and your family...

National Immunization Awareness Month

Importance of vaccines August is National Immunization Awareness Month! Vaccines are one of the most effective ways to prevent serious and sometimes deadly diseases. Make sure you and your family are up to date on your vaccines. Learn more about the importance of...

Hepatitis Prevent and Awareness

July 28th is World Hepatitis Day!  Hepatitis is a serious liver disease that can lead to liver cancer, liver failure and death.  There are different types of hepatitis and way to prevent them.  Learn more and get tested by visiting these great resources. Links:...

National Firework Safety Month

July 3rd to 9th is National Fireworks Safety Month. Every year, thousands of people are injuring while using consumer fireworks.  Despite the dangers, few people understand the associated risks.  As we Celebrate Independency Day, it’s important to remember to...

National Safety Month

June is National Safety Month. Emergencies can happen at anytime, anywhere.  make sure you are prepared by making a plan, creating an emergency kit and staying informed.  Check out these resources from to learn more about how you can be prepared for...